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My method?

Wichtige Informationen zur Vorbereitung auf das Erstgespräch.

Im Erstgespräch lernen wir uns kennen und du kannst alle Fragen zur Zusammenarbeit loswerden.


Du erhältst von mir eine Einschätzung, welches Vorgehen dich am effizientesten zu deinem Ziel bringt.


Deine Zeit ist wertvoll! 


Im folgenden findest du alle wichtigen Informationen zur Vorbereitung, so dass wir die gemeinsame Zeit effizient nutzen können.

A good life starts at home

Mir genügen 3 bis 4 Fotos von dem Bereich der dich aktuell am meisten nervt.

Für eine objektive Betrachtung bitte ich dich vorab um ein paar Fotos von dem Wohnbereich, der dich aktuell am meisten nervt. Gerne mit offenen Schranktüren.


Die Fotos kannst du per WhatsApp, per Email an oder bei großen Datenmengen per Filehosting Dienst Wetransfer senden.  


Alternativ zeigst du mir diesen Bereich in unserer Videokonferenz. 

Deine Ziele & Wünsche

Lade dir zur Vorbereitung das "Ziele & Wünsche Workbook" herunter

Maybe your life just shifted to the next gear. Often its shaking a bit then. Boxes from the last move stay unpacked. Or the home office transformed into a child's room, and now besides paper clutter, there is kids' laughter.


Or has life not been good to you lately and you have been  through a break up, a divorce or even a bereavement - and looking overwhelmed and somewhat helpless at all the belongings?


As long as we live, wear clothes and work, we will surround ourselves with stuff. And when everything around us is turbulent, disorder moves in fast. You are not alone with this. It`s completely normal and not as bad as all that. Together we will get clear that excess.

A good life starts at home

Wir treffen uns bei Zoom. Den Link dazu hast du per Email erhalten.

Has disorder got the better of you? Mountains of laundry paint a picturesque landscape in the living room, but nothing to wear in your closet? Three packs of oatmeal in the kitchen, but no salt at home and the tupper drawer does no longer close. Your filing system in your home office is "They'll send a reminder." The car no longer fits in the garage and the Christmas tree has to make do with what is in the boxes upfront in the basement. And what is actually in these moving boxes?


Can you only react to your household instead of managing it? I will help you regain control of your space - but also your time, energy and money.

A good life starts at home

Das 20-minütige Erstgespräch bleibt in jedem Fall kostenfrei.

Has disorder got the better of you? Mountains of laundry paint a picturesque landscape in the living room, but nothing to wear in your closet? Three packs of oatmeal in the kitchen, but no salt at home and the tupper drawer does no longer close. Your filing system in your home office is "They'll send a reminder." The car no longer fits in the garage and the Christmas tree has to make do with what is in the boxes upfront in the basement. And what is actually in these moving boxes?


Can you only react to your household instead of managing it? I will help you regain control of your space - but also your time, energy and money.

meine empfehlung

Ziel des Erstgesprächs ist eine Einschätzung und Empfehlung für dich.

Maybe your life just shifted to the next gear. Often its shaking a bit then. Boxes from the last move stay unpacked. Or the home office transformed into a child's room, and now besides paper clutter, there is kids' laughter.


Or has life not been good to you lately and you have been  through a break up, a divorce or even a bereavement - and looking overwhelmed and somewhat helpless at all the belongings?


As long as we live, wear clothes and work, we will surround ourselves with stuff. And when everything around us is turbulent, disorder moves in fast. You are not alone with this. It`s completely normal and not as bad as all that. Together we will get clear that excess.

A good life starts at home

Hier findest du meine Angebote und Preise.

Wenn du dich im Anschluss an das kostenlose Erstgespräch für eine Buchung entscheidest, sind das die Preise für meine Unterstützung im Ordnungscoaching.


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